The Interior Design Virtual Assistant

Get Your Time, Focus and Headspace back

Love to get Started in Your Marketing Journey but Overwhelmed by Daily Tasks?

Don't have time to breathe let alone do the things you would love to do to move your business forward? 

The life of a designer requires a lot of work behind the scenes.

You’re not only designing transformational spaces, but you’re also negotiating prices, navigating spreadsheets and dealing with endless figures. You’re managing clients, contractors and suppliers. You’re the designer, project manager, and administrator and… you run the business. 

You’re wearing all the hats.

It’s exciting to watch your business grow but there are only so many hours in the day - and you can’t do it all yourself.

Well not without sacrifice anyway.

You need a right-hand woman to help you move away from overwhelm and give you the time you need to concentrate on your business's most creative and fulfilling aspects - the dreamy part of your job.

If you could offload one thing right now what would it be?

  • Supplier and Contractor Liaison | Research

  • Social Media Management | Marketing | Client Case Studies

  • Managing Delivery and Installation Schedules

  • Client Acquisition | Client Liaison

  • Digital File Management | Financial Admin

  • Life Admin

The ideal situation would be to clone yourself but sadly we’re not quite there yet.

I know the thought of working with someone new is an anxiety-inducing thought, so as an interior design virtual assistant, I offer a perfect way to dip your toe in the water with zero commitment. 

It’s perfect for those natural ebbs and flows in business too.

So, if you’ve got a to-do list that never stops growing and you’re time-poor and drowning in paperwork, I’ll help take that pressure away.

And the transition is much easier than you think.

  • Save Time

    By outsourcing the tasks that usually involve stolen evenings, lost weekends or the 11th hour

  • Save Your Sanity

    By offloading the tasks that don't need your expertise or that are simply so mundane, you can’t face doing them

  • Save Money

    By focusing your time on the creative, revenue-driven aspects of your business whilst I manage behind the scenes.

  • Expand Your Reach

    By having the time, focus and headspace to explore creative ideas or work on projects that move your business forward

  • Peace of Mind

    With the luxury of an assistant without the terrifying thought of employing staff and being responsible for other peoples lives

  • The Luxury of Flexibility

    With the option to use me as little or as often as you need. An hour a day, 2 hours a week - there are no fixed rules

Flexible Interior Design Virtual Assistant

No long-term commitment

No Hidden-Fees

£25 per hour

Love the idea but so used to taking care of everything on your own?

I know it can be hard to picture handing the reins over.

You’re probably thinking you haven’t got enough time to show someone else the ropes and it’s always easier to do things yourself which is true…

But only in the short term.

Whilst it may take an initial investment of your time, you’ll be surprised how quickly it falls into place and feels natural. Plus with professional onboarding and small steps to start, you’ll feel like you made the right decision from day one.

Just imagine how different your day-to-day life could look.